World Of Mr Paul (2023 Nollywood Movie) | Download Mp4

Download World Of Mr Paul (2023 Nollywood Movie)
Synopsis: There is a saying that in choosing your spouse in marriage do thou be wise; Prefer the person before money, virtue before beauty, the mind before the body, then you have a wife, a husband, a friend, a partner and a harmonious marriage. His name is Mr. Paul, (Frederick Leonard) tall, handsome, educated, has a comfortable job, in fact, he has everything going well with him. But he is a man who visibly lives above emotions women invoke; He is picky when it comes to women and don't want to settle for less. But sometimes, you don't actually know what you have until you lose it. Watch as events unfold in this well designed and well demonstrated Frederick Leonard and Uju Okoli movie.
STARRING: Frederick Leonard, Uju Okoli, Queen Nwokoye, Ugezu J Ugezu, Ify Ezeh, Lydia Usang, Phildella Yve, Praise Gladson.
DIRECTED BY: Ugezu J Ugezu
COMPANY: Reemmy Jes Production
YEAR: 2023.